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Online Content Security: Digital Verification, Why is it crucial to E-commerce?

posted onOctober 16, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Any infrastructure that is built with inherent weaknesses is bound to crumble, sooner or later. Similarly, the huge potential of the Internet, e-commerce, and all it can offer cannot be expected to be realized and flourish long term unless its weaknesses in the areas of trust and security issues are addressed.

How can you be sure of the credibility of an Internet retailer? You go to a website selling goods very cheaply, perhaps one third of the price you could pay elsewhere. You are suspicious, so you look at their website to see if they are authorised to sell these goods to you. Aha! - they have an "Authorised Dealer" logo displaying on their website. But, you think to yourself,
‘how come, this is too good to be true.’ Maybe it is maybe it is not – but you just don’t know. The real problem is that you don’t have any means of verifying this either!

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