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Navy is looking for some bright security ideas - Post Request for Proposals

posted onJuly 14, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Twice in one day the folks over at have stumbled across another government request for proposals that should interest security professionals ( and anyone else who thinks they can sell their goods, ideas or services to the government ).

The Request for Proposals states that the Navy is interested in soliciting innovative and creative proposals and ideas to focus its R&D program in ways that will substantially enhance the security posture of Navy networks and information systems in near-term, tangible, and measurable ways.

SPAWAR PMW 161 is seeking contractors, government agencies, laboratories, universities, consortia, and other research and development organizations that are capable of designing, developing, integrating, demonstrating, and otherwise delivering capabilities in the general categories of network security, secure voice and video, security management infrastructure / cryptography, multi-level security and coalition interoperability...

13 July 2001


[Printed Issue Date: July 13, 2001]
From the Commerce Business Daily Online via GPO Access



CLASSCOD: A--Research and Development

OFFADD: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, 4301 Pacific
Highway, San Diego, CA 92110-3127



DUE 072701

POC Mr. Marc Radi (619) 524-7163

Request for Information (RFI) is an Information Assurance
(IA) market survey. Recent advances in information technology
coupled with the need for improved efficiency and performance
have led to many of the nation's infrastructures becoming increasingly
automated and interconnected. These advances, while providing
mission advantages, have also increased the risk of deliberate
and inadvertent intrusions and denials of service. In addition,
the environment in which these information systems may be used
can include users with varying access levels and security clearances
based upon their individual functions, organizations, or countries
of origin. Ensuring that rapid access to information is available
to users in accordance with established security practices
will be critical for successful mission completion and health
of our information systems architectures. To adequately
protect and defend our systems and our information, a structured
and dynamic information assurance program is essential.
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) Code PMW 161
is the Navy Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) Program
Office, assigned by SECNAVINST 5239.3 as the technical lead
for INFOSEC within the Department of Navy (DON) and responsible
for developing, managing, and executing the DON's INFOSEC research
and development (R&D) program.

SPAWAR PMW 161 is interested in soliciting innovative and creative
proposals and ideas to focus its R&D program in ways that will
substantially enhance the security posture of Navy networks and
information systems in near-term, tangible, and measurable ways.

SPAWAR PMW 161 is seeking contractors, government agencies, laboratories,
universities, consortia, and other research and development organizations
that are capable of designing, developing, integrating, demonstrating,
and otherwise delivering capabilities in the general categories of network
security, secure voice and video, security management infrastructure /
cryptography, multi-level security and coalition interoperability.

In the area of network security, SPAWAR PMW 161 is interested in integrated
solutions which protect, detect (intrusion detection, monitoring),
visualize, and react to attacks on Navy networks in near-real
time. Emerging products and R&D efforts involving an integrated
approach to centralized security management, including intrusion
detection/reaction, response to malicious mobile code, vulnerability/virus
detection and response, infrastructure hardening, host-based
security tools, file encryption, authentication (including
biometrics), security protection for wireless/PDA devices,
scalable boundary level security systems (including Firewalls
and Virtual Private Networks (VPN)), and other related information
systems security technologies, are of interest. PMW 161 is
also particularly interested in emerging solutions, which expedite
the assessment of software applications for potential security

In the area of secure voice and video, SPAWAR PMW 161 is interested in
identifying potential replacement solutions to the STU-IIIA/IIB, which
is approaching the end of its effective lifecycle. This includes Internet Protocol
(IP) based solutions, which enable integration of voice, video,
and data on a common data infrastructure, such that the quality
and reliability of the voice/video service is assured. For
secure voice technologies, PMW-161 is specifically interested
in the level and scope of security certifications approved
or being targeted, interface support (RS-232, Ethernet, etc.),
vo-coders used, and product footprint.

In the areas of cryptography and security management infrastructure,
SPAWAR PMW 161 is interested in the design and development of flexible,
multi-channel, programmable cryptographic solutions that can be used to
replace existing and aging communications security (COMSEC) assets. SPAWAR PMW
161 is also interested in ideas related to smart cards and
public key infrastructure (PKI) integration and implementation,
including the convergence of medium and high assurance services
and the integration of these security services with commercial
off the shelf (COTS) and government off the shelf (GOTS) applications.

In the areas of Multi-Level Security (MLS), Multiple Single
Level (MSL) security, and Coalition / Allied interoperability,
PMW 161 is interested in the design, development, and integration
of "multi-level" solutions which allow collaboration from a
single workstation across multiple security / sensitivity levels
in a secure manner. Target solutions must already be in the
process of or have already achieved Common Criteria certification
(EAL 2 or above). Preferred solutions would enable collaboration
across multiple security levels, and between US, Coalition,
and Allied Forces. Key MSL collaborative capabilities include
the ability to securely push Low data from a High network to
a Low network, securely push data from a Low network to a High
network, enable downgrade of data on High network to Low and
push of the downgraded data to the Low network, and allow users
on the High network to view and import (pull) data that exists
on a low network.

All interested firms and agencies, regardless
of size, are encouraged to respond to this announcement. The
ideas and proposals submitted may involve areas other than
those specifically identified herein. Preferred format may
be downloaded from the Business Opportunities section of the
SPAWAR website, located at
Electronic (soft copy) responses are preferred and must be
received by the indicated due date.

All respondents are cautioned that this Request For Information is not an Invitation
To Bid (IFB) or a Request for Proposal (RFP) and does not represent
a commitment on the part of the government to ultimately issue
a request for proposal or award a contract. The government
will not pay for any information provided in response to this
RFI. Information provided in response to this RFI will not
be used to exclude anyone from responding to a Request For
Proposal if an acquisition is warranted.

CITE: (W-132 SN330912)
EMAILDESC: Click here to contact the contract specialist
CITE: (W-192 SN50R4U7)




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