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More Palestine Virus News

posted onMarch 21, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Ahhh, there's nothing better than waking up in the morning to more virus warnings. This time around though, turkeys got to the news first, but I managed to dig up a little more dirt *grin*:

Internet security experts are warning web users about a new, politically-motivated computer virus. Symantec say they have spotted yet another attempt to reprise the recent Kournikova outbreak, this time with a rogue e-mail from Palestine. When opened, the attachment displays a message box attacking Israeli security forces and calling an end to bloodshed in the Middle East. The virus, dubbed VBS.Staple.Worm aka VBS_Injustice.A, apes recent outbreaks by replicating itself using Microsoft Outlook. Just be on the lookout for e-mails with 'Re. Injustice' in the subject line.





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