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A More Insidious Virus

posted onMarch 30, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Saw this over at SNN

This is not a new virus - it's polymorphic, it can bypass most antivirus email filters and it can clog up corporate mail servers in nothing flat. It's a Hoax. Despite its normally obvious signs such as subject line in capitals, dire warnings of erased hard drives, grandmothers spontaneously combusting and the World ending in a plague of locusts, it is seen as a real and viable threat. To poor, struggling little email servers and inboxes, it is. Even the fact that it originates from a viable antivirus source ie your mate from down the pub, who got it from his mate in the garage who got it from his sister-in-law's grandmother. But it must be true as it normally says "[Insert big antivirus company here] have released a warning..." Treat it like spam and ignore it - don't forward it on to your entire address book, refer it to your IT staff. Your only virus aware action at this point is the delete key. Some further information can be found below:

Hoaxbusters (CIAC)

Urban Legends




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