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Microsoft's Windows Server 2012 now powering all Bing searches worldwide

posted onJune 8, 2012
by l33tdawg

When Microsoft delivered the near-final Release Candidate (RC) of Windows Server 2012 on May 31, company officials told me there were no new features introduced to the product since the beta hit in late February.

So does that mean Windows Server 2012 is, for all intents and purposes, “done” — as opposed to Windows 8 client, which is still being modified considerably even though the Softies are calling it “feature-complete”? In a word, yes.

And if you need more proof of Windows Server 2012’s sea-worthiness, Microsoft announced on June 7 that the company is is serving up all worldwide results from using Windows Server 2012 servers running the Release Candidate. In a post to the Windows Server blog on June 7, Mukul Sabharwal, a software development engineer on the Bing team, said that “Bing is adopting and deploying Windows Server 2012 as fast as they can” because the coming Windows Server release is basically a cloud-optimized on-premises operating system.



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