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Microsoft Begins Mass Ban of Xbox LIVE Users for "Marketplace Theft"

posted onSeptember 9, 2011
by l33tdawg

The banhammer. Many Xbox LIVE users know that from time to time Microsoft will give the mighty hammer a good swing, catching hackers off-guard in such a way that nearly all who get banned come up with some rather interesting excuses ranging from the common “Microsoft got the wrong guy” to the more thought out reason of “Well, you see, I let my friend borrow my console for a while and when I got it back…”

Unlike in previous occasions, where bans have been handed out for, say, using hacks to throw Harrier jets at enemies in Modern Warfare 2, these bans are for those who have somehow “illegitimately accessed Xbox LIVE Marketplace downloadable content.” So far, those who have stated that they’ve been banned have said that it lasts until the year 9999.



Microsoft XBox

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