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Microsoft admits its pulled anti-iPhone ads were 'off the mark'

posted onSeptember 16, 2013
by l33tdawg

On Friday, Microsoft uploaded a series of seven videos to its Windows Phone channel on YouTube. The videos, headed "A fly on the wall in Cupertino" poked fun at the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c’s features and were, depending on your point of view, hilarious, genius, spot-on, unfunny, pathetic, and wide of the mark.

My colleague Alan Buckingham watched them all and then started to write a story, adding all the videos for your viewing (dis)pleasure. Unfortunately, before he got to post it, Microsoft switched all the clips to private in yet another of its now frequent U-turns.

There was no reason given for the move at the time, and our request for an explanation went unanswered, but over the weekend the software giant finally issued a statement to CNET regarding its reasons for pulling the video. The campaign "was intended to be a lighthearted poke at our friends from Cupertino. But it was off the mark, and we've decided to pull it down" a spokesman stated.



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