Is Linux a black art?
Source: Vnunet
L33tdawg: This is precisely what we talked about the other day in Making Linux Harder Than It Is, when there really is no reason why learning to use this open source system should be such a daunting task.
IT is synonymous with three letter abbreviations, different names for the same thing and even an annual renaming of the same technology.
It's almost as though we put up a barrier to entry for anyone with the remotest interest in IT; or is it how we justify the high consultancy fees and salaries with the need to be able to translate this foreign language into business terms that mere mortals can understand?
Now it appears that Linux, the doyen of the open source community, may be slipping into the same bad habits.
One of the common purported issues with Linux is that many 'gurus' of the newsgroups have claimed it is not possible to produce PowerPoint style presentations.