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Infamous hacker group helps the Feds

posted onDecember 13, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Source: VNUnet

I've got mixed feelings about this...

The controversy, rumours and speculation surrounding the FBI's Magic Lantern tool has attracted ridicule from the internet underground.

Not only has one virus writer constructed a piece of malware under the same name, but now infamous hacker group the Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) has offered a helping hand to the Feds.

Evidently still grizzled about the fact that its notorious Back Orifice 2K remote control tool was labelled as a malicious program, the cDc is offering its expertise in the area to help the FBI build what would be an almost identical tool.

Reid Fleming, a cDc member, said: "Never before has the US faced a more troublesome enemy. To meet this growing challenge, the FBI has announced an ongoing effort to create and deploy best-of-breed electronic surveillance software.




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