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How SOPA protests were used to push CISPA

posted onApril 27, 2012
by l33tdawg

The last thing authors and supporters of dangerous cybersecurity bill CISPA wanted was another SOPA on their hands. 

CISPA’s authors and supporters set up a defensive strategy to head off the whiff of another SOPA by taking notes from the protest. And they may have succeeded.

In the beginning, CISPA’s authors unconvincingly tried to spin CISPA as being nothing like SOPA in press briefings. Not for clarification - merely to distance the bill from SOPA’s reputation. After all, if SOPA was black and white to tech press, then making CISPA grey would certainly be an advantage. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) and CISPA’s co-author Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) staged a conference call to influence tech reporters whom they actually called “Cyber Media and Cyber Bloggers.”



Industry News SOPA CISPA

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