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HITBSecConf2006 - Malaysia: VIDEOS RELEASED!

posted onDecember 15, 2006
by hitbsecnews

We are pleased to announce that the videos from HITBSecConf2006 - Malaysia are now available for download. Broken down into 2 packs, the download's are rather hefty at 6.52GB and 5.66GB each but is well worth the bandwidth. If you're looking for the presentation materials, they are available on Packet Storm.

Here's what's in each package.

HITBSecConf2006 - Malaysia - PACK 1

KEYNOTE 1 - Schneier on Security - Bruce Schneier

Security Engineering in Windows Vista - Ian Hellen and Vishal Kumar
Playing with Botnets for Fun and Profit - Thorsten Holz
Taming Bugs - The Art of Writing Secure Code - Paul Boehm
Application Intrusion Prevention Systems - Fabrice Marie
Attacking the IPV6 Protocol Suite - Van Hauser
Writing Metasploit Plugins - From Vulnerability to Exploit - Saumil Shah
x.805 Standard - Ching Tim Meng
The World Through the Eyes of a Signature Developer - Jonathan Limbo
Client Honeypots - It's Not Only the Network - Michael Davis
Triple Play; Triple Threats? IPTV Security - Yen-Ming Chen
Firefox Security - Window Snyder
Pentesting Java/J2EE - Discovering Remote Holes - Marc Schoenefeld
Visualizing Source Code for Auditing - Lisa Thalheim

HITBSecConf2006 - Malaysia - PACK 2

KEYNOTE 2: What application security tools vendors don't want you to know and the holes they will never find - Mark Curphey and John Viega

Scapy and IPV6 Networking - Phil Biondi and Arnaud Ebalard
Finding Secrets in ISAPI - Nish Bhalla
Pentesting Windows Vista BitLocker Drive Encryption from the Inside - Douglas MacIver
HPP - A New Approach to Cybercrime - Raoul Chiesa
The Biggest Brother - Roberto Preatoni and Fabio Ghioni
Towards an Invisible Honeypot Monitoring System - Nguyen Anh Quynh
Hacking a Bird in the Sky - Hijacking VSAT Connections - Jim Geovedi and Raditya Iryandi
Smasing the stack for Profit; period - Rohyt Belani
Using Neural Networks and Statistical Machinery to Improve Remote OS Detection - Javier Burroni and Carlos Sarraute
MOSREF - Using Cryptography and Injectable Virtual Machines in Security - Wes Brown
Hacking Trust - Anthony Zboralski and Dave McKay
Yet Another Web Application Testing Toolkit - Fyodor Yarochkin and Meder Kydyraliev
VoIP Phreaking - SIPhallis Unveiled - The Grugq
Subverting Vista Kernel for Fun and Profit - Joanna Rutkowska

A bonus video of the charity auction is also included on the Day 2 pack! On a related note, the Call for Papers for HITBSecConf2007 - Dubai is now open! See you guys next year!




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