HITBSecConf 2003, 2004, 2005 videos RESEEDED!
We are happy to announce that the HITBSecConf videos from 2003, 2004 and 2005 have been resynced and reseeded. Much thanks to the folks at Interunix.net for providing the bandwidth and torrent tracker.
Download links are as follows:
HITBSecConf2003 - Malaysia (SINGLE DOWNLOAD)
HITBSecConf2004 - Malaysia (PACK 1)
HITBSecConf2004 - Malaysia (PACK 2)
HITBSecConf2005 - Malaysia (PACK 1)
HITBSecConf2005 - Malaysia (PACK 2)
The content list of what's in the packs can be found on the HITB Video page.
Incidentally the 2006 videos will be released on 14th December 2006. Just in time for Christmas and New Years. :)