HITB2009 brings ATM Hacking, Blackberry Spying and Cloud Clobbering to Public Attention
The 7th annual instalment of the Hack in The Box Security Conference in Malaysia (HITBSecConf) has secured some of the most exciting mainstream and underground ICT security experts who will present on a range of highly relevant hardware and software security topics, on the 7th and 8th of October 2009.
The term ‘Cloud Computing’ dominates the headlines these days but like most paradigm changes requiring new technology, various risk and vulnerabilities of these new systems are also introduced. Haroon Meer, Technical Director of Sensepost will separate fact from fiction in his talk Clobbering the Cloud while walking through several real-world attacks on “the cloud”. He will focus both on attacks using these platforms as tools for general Internet mayhem. In a separate presentation titled Offensive Cloud Computing with Hadoop and Backtrack, Justin Lundy, Founder and CEO of Subterrain will demonstrate offensive cloud computing techniques and code used to enumerate, analyze, and penetrate extremely large networks in record time. All demonstrations we will focus on attacks against the big players, like Amazon’s EC2, Salesforce.com etc.L33tdawg: Online registration closes on the 30th of Sept - walk-in registrations are still possible but prices increase to MYR1299. So if you haven't booked your seats, perhaps now would be a good time to do so ;)