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HITB Haxpo Kicks Off With Richard Thieme’s Call To InfoSec Community To ‘Think Beyond The Edges’

posted onJune 1, 2015
by l33tdawg

“Think beyond the edges, because the edges are where new things come,” urged Richard Theime in the opening keynote for Hat In The Box Haxpo in Amsterdam. The former priest gone author and futuristic technology guru is well known within the InfoSec community and considered a “father figure” of the hacking convention circuit, keynoting at events such as DefCon and BlackHat. In his Haxpo kickoff, which could have well been the commencement speech at any prestigious educational institute, the technology pundit urged the younger generations in the room not to fear ‘thinking beyond the edges” as it is in this space that new ideas that will change the world are born.

“The future always sounds crazy,” said Theime, “and the ideas that shape the future are first articulated by those who are thought to be insane.”

Citing Bob Galvin, former CEO of Motorola, Thieme continued to explain the progression of how new ideas gain acceptance over time.



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