HITB CTF Weapons of Mass Destruction 2.0 Wrap Up (Day 2)
After going through the logs countless number of times, we finally have the finalized write up for day 2 of CTF WMD 2.0.
The game started an hour earlier at 10.00am, compared to the previous day. Some teams looked as if they had a good night’s sleep while some looked as if they’ve just been through hell and back. Last year nukes were launched at the very start of day 2 and we had hoped that it would be the same this year, but alas, the nukes never took off.
The day had started off at a slow pace again and all there was to do was wait. On numerous occasions, there were some who’d try to social engineer answers from the CTF organizing committee but they’re attempts seem to failed miserably (hmmmm we wonder why….). You folks need to brush up on your social engineering skillz. Daan and Koen released the rest of The Hex Factor challenges which allowed teams to try and acquire the remaining nukes. Somewhere around midway of the game, we released another bonus challenge called the QRCode challenge, but first, here’s the story behind it...