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HITB CTF Weapons of Mass Destruction 2.0 Wrap Up (Day 1)

posted onOctober 21, 2010
by hitbsecnews

Ahhh, it’s that time of year again where alliances are forged, enemies made, and nukes let loose. To tell you the truth, we had a whole bunch of ideas to implement this year but having done CTF Mass 0wnage in Amsterdam not too long back, we just didn’t have enough time to pull all the stops. We did however manage to implement one new feature though which is the Achievements system. Achievements are like Starcraft 2 and PS3 trophies, teams get awarded a certain amount of points for accomplishing specific tasks. Here is the list of achievements that we had:

# Achievement Description

1 Destroyer of Countries Be the first to kick out another team from the competition
2 Daemon Master Be the first to solve all daemons
3 Hex Factored Be the first to solve all Hex Factor Challenges
4 What Challenge? Solve all daemons on Day 1
5 Unpwnable Never let your flags get stolen through out the entire game
6 Pwnstar rm -rf / another team's server
7 Iron Man Never fail a scorebot check
8 Relic Hunter Find the secret flag




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