HardCoreWare.net: Mandrake Linux 8.1 Gaming Edition Review
Source: HardCoreWare.net
Mandrake 8.1 Gaming Edition is a GREAT Linux distribution, and may be suitable for many non-technical home users as well, depending on their needs. It's certainly easier to use and configure than most Linux distributions, and makes a lot of progress towards being a valid replacement for the Windows desktop. Unfortunately, it's not ready to actually replace Windows, though Mandrake has gotten closer with every release they make. With every distribution they release, Mandrake gets easier to use and configure, and they've now made steps toward running EVERYTHING Windows users run, thanks to Transgaming and the WineX project. At this rate, the only thing holding Linux back will be the lack of AOL software (in case someone's looking for a good project idea...hint, hint!)