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Hackers steal secrets from US nuclear missile contractor

posted onJune 4, 2020
by l33tdawg
Sky News
Credit: Sky News

Hackers have stolen confidential documents from a US military contractor which provides critical support for the country's Minuteman III nuclear deterrent, Sky News has learnt.

After gaining access to Westech International's computer network, the criminals encrypted the company's machines and began to leak documents online to pressure the company to pay extortion.

It is unclear if the documents stolen by the criminals include military classified information, but files which have already been leaked online suggest the hackers had access to extremely sensitive data, including payroll and emails. There are also concerns that Russian-speaking operators behind the attack could attempt to monetise their haul by selling information about the nuclear deterrent on to a hostile state. Court documents in the US allege that Russian cyber criminals with a financial motivation have collaborated with the intelligence services in order to steal classified government documents.




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