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Hackers and crackers invited to decode an 'unbreakable' secret message

posted onOctober 16, 2012
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Here we go again...

Wannabe code-crackers have a fresh challenge to rise to, if DeTron has its way. The encryption company ran a full page ad in the New York Times late last week challenging code breakers, hackers and cryptographers to crack a message encrypted by Quantum Direct Key (QDK) – a personal identification encryption technology aimed at eliminating multiple passwords for cloud services and web apps.

DeTron calls the code “virtually unbreakable,” hence the challenge to code crackers. The challenge lasts for seven days and is a preface to the Oct. 18 launch of the first QDK-enabled device, for e-commerce use and for replacing Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection for copyrighted material or other forms of digitized intellectual property. The company also will reveal the decoded answer to the message at the launch.

Corresponding to the rise of cloud services in the business world, consumers are using the web for just about everything, including shopping, reviewing medical records, social media, receiving financial statements, filing insurance claims, applying for loans, online banking, and storing photos and other personal content, to name just a few common uses. Obviously this makes the population as a whole more vulnerable in its cyberlife than it ever has been before.



Hackers Security Encryption

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