Google, Mozilla, and Apple made the most vulnerable software of 2012
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple iTunes were the most vulnerable among popular software programs in 2012 according to the newly released 2013 Secunia Vulnerability Review (PDF). That may come as a surprise to anyone who accuses Microsoft of rolling out the most insecure software on the market, but then again, they can point to the fact that 29 of the top 50 most vulnerable programs for 2013 bore the Microsoft logo.
The report highlighted the increasing threats posed by vulnerabilities in popular non-Microsoft programs: Over the past five years, their share has increased from 57 percent to 86 percent. "The significance of this number is that it has become more difficult for end users and administrators to keep their systems secure: If end users and organizations focus on patching their Microsoft programs and operating systems, they only protect their computer and IT infrastructure from 14 percent of the threats posed by vulnerabilities," the report cautioned.