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Google Chrome will block insecure downloads in coming months

posted onFebruary 11, 2020
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wikipedia

Google has revealed plans to initially warn Chrome users about “insecure” downloads and eventually block them outright. “Today we’re announcing that Chrome will gradually ensure that secure (HTTPS) pages only download secure files,” Joe DeBlasio of the Chrome security team wrote in a blog post. “Insecurely-downloaded files are a risk to users’ security and privacy. For instance, insecurely-downloaded programs can be swapped out for malware by attackers, and eavesdroppers can read users’ insecurely-downloaded bank statements.”

Beginning with Chrome 82, due for release in April, Chrome will warn users if they’re about to download mixed content executables from a secure website.

Then, when version 83 is released, those executable downloads will be blocked and the warning will be applied to archive files. PDFs and .doc files will get the warning in Chrome 84, with audio, images, text, and video files displaying it by version 85. Finally, all mixed content downloads — a non-secure file coming from a secure site — will be blocked as of the release of Chrome 86. Right now, Google is estimating an October release for that build of the popular web browsing. The chart below lays out the Chrome team’s current plan:



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