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Google to bring fibre to US homes

posted onFebruary 10, 2010
by hitbsecnews

INTERNET OCTOPUS Google has just announced that it intends to roll out an experimental fibre to the home service in the US. At least in areas where the local population takes an interest.

In a blog post, Google said it was keen to test the high-speed Internet service in a "small number of trial locations" across the US, adding that its fibre infrastructure will enable Internet speeds up to 100 times faster than what most American punters currently enjoy. Or moan about, depending on how slow they think it is.

By rolling out a high-speed, 1GB per second fibre connection, the firm hopes to shake up net neutrality, and it is helping itself to achieve this by offering competitive pricing for the service and making it 'open access', giving users a choice of providers.




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