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Go ahead, open more tabs; Firefox 7 runs even faster

posted onSeptember 28, 2011
by l33tdawg

Mozilla released Firefox 7 today, and the new version of makes web browsing faster than ever. The update is especially helpful for the hardcore web junkies among us who browse with scores of open tabs and browsing sessions that span multiple days.

Firefox 7 reduces memory usage by 20 to 50 percent, which translates to quicker response times and fewer crashes. These improvements constitute the first publicly available implementation of MemShrink, Mozilla’s project focusing on decreasing Firefox’s memory consumption to make browsing faster and more stable.

The hackers at Mozilla are still working on accurate benchmark tests for quantifying Firefox’s memory usage and improvements. Mozilla says Firefox 7′s improvements should be most noticable to users who leave browser windows open for many hours or days on end, who browse with multiple tabs at once, who open image-heavy pages or pages with large amounts of text, who run Firefox on Windows machines or who use the browser simultaneously with other programs that take a large toll on memory.



Mozilla Software-Programming

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