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Gigger 'update' worm attacks hard drive

posted onJanuary 12, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: ZDNet

L33tdawg: For those of you that don't want to read the full story, you'll probrably want to know that the subject line of infected e-mails reads either "Outlook Express Update" or has the e-mail address of the recipient. The body text says either "MSNSofware Co." or "Microsoft Outlook 98" and the attached file is always mmsn_offline.htm.

Don't be taken in by Internet worm Gigger, which poses as a Microsoft update. Gigger (js.gigger.a@mm) attempts to spread itself to everyone in your Outlook Address Book, propagate via mIRC, and copy itself to computers connected on a local network. Gigger then tries to delete all the files on your hard drive the next time the computer reboots.

Written in JavaScript, this 17K worm uses the Windows Scripting Host to execute on infected systems. Although there have been few reports of it worldwide, Gigger has the potential to damage computers and overwhelm e-mail servers and currently ranks a 6 on the ZDNet Virus Meter.




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