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German hackers reveal Canadian neo-Nazis

posted onFebruary 8, 2012
by l33tdawg

There’s no need to man the ramparts, a new wave of antisemitism in not about to descend on Canadian society. Nevertheless, reports from Germany naming 74 individuals linked to neo-Nazi and white supremacist websites should alert Canadians to the fact that the “classical” antisemitic attitudes have not been vanquished.

That’s the perspective of Shimon Fogel, CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), who believes those named by a group of hackers in Germany are “the marginal of the marginal.” Yes, they can do damage, and their agenda runs contrary to Canadian values of tolerance and respect, but there is no large scale social movement afoot that threatens those values, he said.

Last week, CIJA issued a statement saying that “we were disturbed” about the reported extremists. “Such toxic hatred disgusts the overwhelming majority of Canadians… Today’s report should serve as a wake up call for all of us to remain vigilant in standing against hate, regardless of the community that is targeted.”



Germany Canada Hackers Industry News Law and Order

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