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Gear up for New Year's DNS resolutions

posted onDecember 19, 2005
by hitbsecnews

For many IT organizations, the holidays provide a welcome respite from the constant chaos of the rest of the year. (Not so if you work in retail, of course.) Many employees are on vacation, so the office is quiet and there are fewer interruptions. Corporate policy may rule out major configuration changes, but there's time to attend to long-deferred maintenance and documentation.

While it's tempting to use the newfound hours in your work day to brush up on solitaire, why not carpe the diem and tune your DNS architecture and management processes? There's probably lots you can do to improve the reliability and security of your DNS infrastructure. The little things you can do now; the major changes may need to wait until early next year. For now, tack these onto your list of New Year's resolutions.

Here's a list of six best practices to consider when evaluating your DNS infrastructure and management...




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