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Entercept releases Apache Web hacker protection

posted onJune 30, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Entercept's protection software created to put paid to Sun's Solaris servers' hacking vulnerability. Entercept Technologies has launched protection software for Sun servers running Apache software, which have been singled out for attack by hackers.

An increase in attacks on Apache servers has been noted by hacking community site,, which found Sun Solaris servers were being targeted. Sun's Web site was hacked and defaced in June, but the firm said there was no evidence of source or binary code being affected by the intrusion. The integrity of all binary versions of Apache Software Foundation Server software has been verified, including Apache Web server, Sun said....

Apache gets Web hacker protection

David Neal reporting for IT Week

Entercept said that because it would take someone with specialist knowledge to successfully hack an Apache server, it is unlikely the attacks are being carried out by novices. The risk to firms is therefore considerable.

Entercept said the new version of its software can recognise patterns of activity, and evaluate requests to the operating system and API before they are processed. The company said this can identify likely attacks and alert firms to take preventative action. Incoming traffic through the HTTP stream is also filtered, allowing for defence against malicious requests that manage to bypass the firewall.

Entercept version 2.0, with a Sun Solaris agent, costs £895 + VAT, per server protected. The management console costs from £2,995 + VAT.

Hacker attacks of all types continue to increase. According to Internet security organisation the Computer Emergency Response Team (Cert), there were 21,756 reported incidents in 2000, up from 9,859 in 1999. In just the first quarter of this year, Cert recorded 7,047 incidents.





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