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DNSChanger trojan still infects Fortune 500 companies

posted onFebruary 6, 2012
by l33tdawg

Two months after a traffic hijacking scheme was brought to its knees, the software that powered a botnet is still running on computers at half of the Fortune 500 companies, and on nearly 50 percent of all federal government agency PCs.

The "DNSChanger Trojan" changes the host computer's web settings to hijack search results and to block victims from visiting security sites that might help scrub the infections.

Inspector Knacker of the Estonian Yard fingered the collar of six men suspected of using the Trojan to control more than 4 million computers in over 100 countries. At the same time there was a coordinated attack on the malware's infrastructure. Companies were supposed to be cleaning up their systems before some bright spark figures out a way of reactivating the network.



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