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Did Lulzsec's slip seal its fate?

posted onMarch 5, 2012
by l33tdawg

Infamous hacking group LulzSec may have sealed its fate after logging into its website using a router based in Britain, where alleged member Ryan Cleary would later be arrested.

The group signed up for a free account with CloudFlare, a service that optimises the speed of websites and mitigates attacks levelled against them. The sign-up occurred within hours of a hack of US news service PBS, where LulzSec posted a fake story.

During its 25 day tenure with CloudFlare, a lone British IP address was recorded logging into The IP address stood out because other log-ons were made through virtual private networks routed through other countries. Authorities were further assisted because the username registered with the site was the same as that used in a chat room they monitored.



LulzSec Security Law and Order

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