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Debian Sec Advisory: New versions of ssh-nonfree & ssh-socks fix buffer overflow

posted onNovember 14, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Source: Linux Today

Package: ssh-nonfree, ssh-socks
Vulnerability: remote root exploit
Debian-specific: no

We have received reports that the "SSH CRC-32 compensation attack
detector vulnerability" is being actively exploited. This is the same
integer type error previously corrected for OpenSSH in DSA-027-1.
OpenSSH (the Debian ssh package) was fixed at that time, but
ssh-nonfree and ssh-socks were not.

Though packages in the non-free section of the archive are not
officially supported by the Debian project, we are taking the unusal
step of releasing updated ssh-nonfree/ssh-socks packages for those
users who have not yet migrated to OpenSSH. However, we do recommend
that our users migrate to the regularly supported, DFSG-free "ssh"
package as soon as possible. ssh 1.2.3-9.3 is the OpenSSH package
available in Debian 2.2r4.

The fixed ssh-nonfree/ssh-socks packages are available in version
1.2.27-6.2 for use with Debian 2.2 (potato) and version 1.2.27-8 for
use with the Debian unstable/testing distribution. Note that the new
ssh-nonfree/ssh-socks packages remove the setuid bit from the ssh
binary, disabling rhosts-rsa authentication.

The entire advisory is over at Linux Today.




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