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Come to HITB #Haxpo and Get Taught How to Solder by Mitch Altman

posted onMay 6, 2014
by l33tdawg

In Amsterdam at the end of May? Here's a rare chance to meet with the world famous Mitch Altman of TV-B-Gone fame and learn how to solder from the man himself!

Mitch is a hacker and inventor, most well known for inventing TV-B-Gone, he’s been a speaker at numerous hacker conferences, is an international expert on the hackerspace movement and teaches introductory electronics workshops.

In May, he’ll be in Europe on a tour of over 20 events/hackerspaces to give soldering lessons in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. He has already taught over 50.000 people how to solder – from 3 year olds to grandmothers! At our first ever HITB Haxpo you will get the chance to learn how to solder one of Mitch’s electronic kits. This include the TV-B-Gone, Trippy RGB Waves, The Brain Machine but also all types of Arduinos and accessories – we even have a special HITB gadget for you to work on (more details on this soon)!

Last but not least, Mitch will also give a talk in the Haxpo track about how you can make a living out of something you love to do: it certainly changed the way he lives his life today.

You still haven’t registered? What are you waiting for?! It’s completely F-R-E-E to attend the 3-day Haxpo and really you should have no excuse to not be there! Heck, it’s even a public holiday on the 29th of May! See you at De Beurs!



HITB Haxpo Amsterdam Industry News

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