Cloudfogger adds an extra layer of encryption to your cloud
Just how secure is the data you’ve backed up online? Most cloud-based backup providers promise to encrypt your data before it’s uploaded to their servers, but a handful perform the encryption after the data’s been uploaded, which means they possess the key required to unlock your data and potentially hand it over to anyone who comes asking (backed with the right warrant).
Cloudfogger is a brand new (and currently free) service that puts you back in control of your data, allowing you to encrypt it prior to uploading it – and providing you with another layer of protection for your most sensitive documents and files.
At the present time, Cloudfogger is available for Windows and Android, with versions for Mac and iOS promised sooner rather than later. You install the app in Windows, select a folder for Cloudfogger to encrypt and off you go. It’ll attempt to create a folder inside your Dropbox folder if it exists, but you can point it to any folder you like – local, network or rival cloud-based storage provider like Skydrive or Google Drive.