Chrome 17 released, will preload autocompleted URLs as you type
Google has just released Chrome version 17, which brings several minor enhancements to the company's web browser— including a new web address preloading feature and improved protection against malicious downloads.
The new Chrome introduces a preemptive rendering" feature that will automatically begin loading and rendering a page in the background while the user is typing the address in the omnibox (the combined address and search text entry field in Chrome's navigation toolbar). The preloading will occur in cases when the top match generated by the omnibox's autocompletion functionality is a site that the user visits frequently.
When the user hits the enter key and confirms the autocompletion result, the prerendered page will display almost instantly. The feature extends Chrome's existing predictive page loading functionality to autocompletion results. Unlike Chrome's instant search capability, however, the autocompletion preloading waits until the user hits the enter key before displaying the rendered page.