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Center for Internet Security Unveils Solaris Security Standards

posted onJuly 3, 2001
by hitbsecnews

A coalition of companies and Internet user groups on Monday released its first set of minimum security standards for an operating system, in an effort to encourage vendors to ship systems that are less susceptible to hacker attacks.

The Center for Internet Security issued its first security benchmark for Sun Microsystems' Solaris because it is a critical part of the infrastructure of financial and military organizations and many e-commerce sites. The benchmark defines detailed configuration settings for system administrators to assure that security in their computers and networks reflects a prudent level of due care, the center said. Software that scores and reports how a system conforms to the security settings is available from the group's web site at

Group Unveils Solaris Security Standards

By Mary Mosquera

No organization is safe from harmful distributed denial of service attacks as long as any systems are connected to the Internet without meeting minimum security configuration standards, the center said. And vendors ship computers with many unnecessary and vulnerable services activated.

Benchmarks for other operating systems, including Windows NT and 2000, Linux, HP-UX, and AIX will become available soon, said Clint Kreitner, CEO of the Center for Internet Security.

"An organization's compliance with an accepted standard of prudent due care not only helps protect its valued information from theft or misuse, but also helps shield the organization from liability resulting from legal action associated with unauthorized compromise of that information," Kreitner said.

The benchmarks and scoring tools are kept up to date as new vulnerabilities are discovered through the Internet Storm Center and the CERT Coordination Center, the computer emergency response team. Members of the Center for Internet Security also include Visa, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Intel Corp., the SANS Institute, and Guardent Inc.

"Organizations have a broad spectrum of computing architectures but have no set of security standards that are universally accepted," said Fred Kerby, information systems security manager at the Naval Surface Warfare Center. The CIS benchmarks give organizations a common language, he said.

A hospital network administrator said he had tightened security further with suggestions from the benchmark publication. "It's a tool that has real world functionality," said Mike Parent, network administrator at Mt. Clemens General Hospital in Michigan. The standards will help hospitals comply with new regulations associated with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, which present new patient privacy and security challenges, he said.





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