The case for compliance as a cloud service
IT must deal with an increasing number of regulations, many of which come with stiff legal and financial penalties for noncompliance. As cloud computing comes on the scene, it's no wonder that many in IT push back on its use, which in many instances forces you to give up direct control of systems that have to be maintained with these regulations in mind. As one client put it, "Why would I let somebody who does not work here get me arrested?"
But there's another, better way to think about this issue. There is no legal reason why the systems that have to maintain compliance can't exist in the cloud. In fact, it could be better to have some of those systems in the cloud. Unfortunately, many in IT don't see the possibility because of nightmares about a cloud provider's mistake leading to big trouble.
The trouble with regulations is that they constantly change, and thus need to be managed as if they were a consistently shifting set of users and/or business requirements. This affects how security subsystems function and how information is tracked around the interpretation of government or legal mandates. Therefore, many hundreds of IT shops figure out ways to maintain compliance, perhaps not all resulting in the same solutions -- and that means mistakes, inconsistencies, and wasted effort.