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Can Legal Digital Music Take Off?

posted onMay 30, 2002
by hitbsecnews

Source: OS Opinion

While the recording industry has tried to take down digital music sites one at a time, it would seem for every one that is shot down, two more are there to take its place. The digital floodgates are open, and I don't see them closing anytime soon.

It's no big secret that digital music has changed both how consumers listen to music and the music business itself. And the phenomenon apparently has grown strong enough that it can bounce back from most misfortunes. After Napster's demise, several Napster-like clones sprouted up to take its place.

Music industry attempts to shut down these clones seem to get more difficult by the day. This situation makes me wonder why the recording industry doesn't try to use digital music as a new growth opportunity rather than aiming to eliminate it. I'm quite sure that a quality program would lure many users away from illegal file sharing.




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