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Cambridge Students Find Way to Hack Into Banks

posted onNovember 9, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Source: NY Times.

LONDON (Reuters) - Two graduate students have found a way to hack into security systems that protect many banking and e-commerce transactions, Cambridge University said on Thursday.

Michael Bond and Richard Clayton, computer science Ph.D. students, developed programs allowing them to hack into an IBM (news/quote) security computer that was previously thought to be impregnable, it said.

``We've found a way for a dishonest bank employee to manipulate a bank's computer system to get customers' personal identification numbers,'' Bond said in a university statement.

Normally, several employees must authorize access to the codes.

``With the numbers, an employee could easily forge a cash card, go to a cash machine and withdraw money.''

The IBM 4758 computer received the US federal government's highest level of tamper-resistance rating in 1998.

The full story at the NYTimes.




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