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Bruce Schneier on Trust, Security and Society at #HITB2012AMS

posted onMay 28, 2012
by l33tdawg

We’re at the Okura hotel in Amsterdam, attending the 2012 Hack in the Box security conference, and the second day seems to be as impressive as the first one. It started off with a keynote held by Bruce Schneier, the world renowned security guru and chief technology security officer at BT, who held a speech on “Trust, Security and Society.”

Based on his most recent book, “Liars & Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive,” the talk covered some of the most important issues that directly affect individuals.

He began by highlighting the trust society puts into different things, noting that trust is basically the foundation for everything that goes on these days. Speaking about his flight, Shneier said, “I don’t trust the particular pilot, but I trust the airline company that produced him.” He provided a number of other similar examples. For instance, the trust we place in ATMs, other banking systems, and in the people that surround us in general. 



Security Industry News HITB HITB2012AMS

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