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British broadband blunders could feed BBC iPlayer for six decades

posted onOctober 7, 2013
by l33tdawg

According to figures from UK communications provider Talktalk, Brits have such woeful broadband wiring that we are wasting many megabytes of lovely online capacity every day.

The firm reckons that the amount of broadband being wasted could stream content from the BBC's TV on demand service iPlayer for the next 59 years.

Talktalk said it found that over half a million homes are losing around 4Mbps of broadband speed due to their setups, and that the majority lose it through poor wiring. The least amount of broadband is lost through the need for a new broadband filter, 13 percent. Next up is a problem of not connecting the router to the master socket, this applied 15 percent of times. And then 34 percent of homes need their router to be properly set up or configured, and 38 percent lose speed through poor wiring.




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