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A better reason not to use Huawei routers: Code from the '90s

posted onOctober 16, 2012
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: The presentation slides from Felix's talk is here

Security researcher Felix "FX" Lindner has a more compelling reason to steer clear of routers from Huawei Technologies than fears about its ownership.

While the company blasted for its opaque relationship with China's government in a U.S. intelligence report released Monday, a bigger worry for some is what's inside its routers.

"The code quality is pretty much from the '90s," said Lindner, who has analyzed the software inside Huawei's home and enterprise routers, and runs Recurity Labs, a security consultancy, in Berlin. Lindner will speak on Thursday at the Hack in the Box security conference in Kuala Lumpur and discuss some of the vulnerabilities he and a fellow researcher disclosed earlier this year along with an overview of Huawei's security.



Huawei Security HITB2012KUL

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