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The badBIOS Analysis Is Wrong

posted onNovember 4, 2013
by l33tdawg

I’m not known for pulling punches and I’m not about to start now. The fact is that everything I have read about #badBIOS is completely and utterly wrong; from the supposed “escaping air gap” to well.. everything. And I should know. I’ve dealt with malicious BIOS and firmware loads in the past. I’ve also dealt with BIOS development and modification for two decades. It’s a very important skill to have when you regularly build systems that are well outside manufacturer ‘recommended’ areas.

The whole of the analysis would be laughable if people weren’t actually taking it seriously and believing it because they’ve seen edge cases or very specific examples. And the result is that they’re looking in the wrong place.

First and foremost, the very idea that there is some malicious BIOS load that can escape airgapping and is portable is beyond laughable. I don’t care what you think you know – BIOS code is not portable, period. Oh, sure, you can have a common source for multiple motherboards. But every single model, revision and minor version requires you to recompile UEFI elements best case. That’s before you get into changes to UEFI libraries and shells.



BadBios Viruses & Malware Security

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