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Automatic patching: Will it make the world safe from worms?

posted onSeptember 13, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Worms and viruses often target specific vulnerabilities in common software. But what if the
terms were reversed? Rather than attacking the vulnerability of software for malicious
purposes, what if the worm or virus actually attempted to secure the software by applying a
patch? Like it or not, it is already happening.

On September 1, someone posted to BugTraq the code to Code Green. The code, which
ostensibly fixes systems that are still infected with the Code Red virus, was left for users to
assemble and use--if they wanted. The author, Herbert HexXer, added the following: "I
will not take responsibility for any damage that might be caused by this code. Be sure to
have understood the code and it's [sic] purpose before beginning to play with it." Another
post included the code for CRclean, which was deliberately broken by its author, Markus
Kern. Both were intended to force the issue: either you patch your system, or I will find a
way to do it for you.

Continue reading this article over at ZDNet.




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