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Assange: Google, Facebook run 'side projects' for US spooks

posted onDecember 4, 2012
by l33tdawg

WikiMartyr in waiting Julian Assange has emitted another screed in which he shares his belief that democracy is being dangerously undermined by government monitoring of the internet, and that Facebook and Google are helping those efforts.

Chatting with RT, Assange has outlined his belief that nations now conduct surveillance on a massive scale, because “it is cheaper to intercept every individual rather that it is to pick particular people to spy upon.”

French company AMESYS' 'EAGLE' product is nations' weapon of choice, Assange said, going on to add a quote from Bill Binney, whom he describes as a National Security Agency whistleblower, to the effect that nations now posses “turnkey totalitarianism”. Assange himself says “all the infrastructure has been built for absolute totalitarianism.”



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