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Apple May Add Secure Password Suggestions in Mountain Lion

posted onApril 23, 2012
by l33tdawg

1Password is a popular password service which offers apps and browser plug-ins for a number of platforms, including Mac, Windows, iOS and Android. The service automatically generates strong, unique passwords whenever a login is needed, keeping them in a keychain under a master password. Once authorized, 1Password can then automatically fill in user names and passwords when needed without the user having to know the often complex passwords created for maximum security. 

But with Apple continuing to push out developer betas of OS X Mountain Lion and Safari 5.2, it is now becoming apparent that the company is looking to bake similar functionality directly into Safari. 

One of the more visible changes in the Safari 5.2 developer builds has been a new "Passwords" pane in the application's preferences, offering a way for users to access stored user names and passwords for various sites and services. As currently deployed, the pane is essentially a more convenient way to view passwords already stored and accessible through the dedicated Keychain Access application. 



Apple OS X Security

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