Anti American server claims hacker immunity
An admin of an eastern european server in the USA which serves primarily to the 'illegals' claims no one can hack his/her server. Some anti-american contents on the pages is also evident. Care to prove them wrong? The server address is Check the pages yourself, even though czech/polich translation might be required, but after reading their 'nastenka'/forum the above statements will become prudently evident...
The pook.
L33tdawg: I'm posting this as an example of what NOT to submit to us in a news posting. To 'The Pook': Firstly, it's evident that by posting something like this, you're hoping to accomplish what you couldn't achieve yourself (hacking the above mentioned server). Further to this your news posting is nothing more than a plea to the members and readers of this site to hack the site 'on your behalf'. Personally, I feel that, while it may or may not be true regarding what was said about the content of that site (I didn't check), it still doesn't justify hacking the machine.