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Anonabox returns amidst community backlash

posted onNovember 10, 2014
by l33tdawg

The controversial anonabox anonymity hardware router project returned today amidst a scathing reaction from the wider security and anonymity communities.

Previously, the project was suspended from Kickstarter after claims that the project used entirely custom hardware were debunked by industry experts and laymen alike. The project has resurfaced on crowdfunding site Indiegogo, where so far it has raised over $11,000.

Claims made by the previous incarnation of the project, that turned out to be false, included: A claim that the project was based on 100 per cent Open Source hardware, which turned out not to be true when the boards used in images hosted on the project’s site were identified as being the same as a closed System-on-Chip platform already available from Chinese shopping site Aliexpress for just over $20.



Hardware ANonabox Privacy Security Networking

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