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Amazon opens doors to Kinesis

posted onNovember 15, 2013
by l33tdawg

The more data you put in a cloud, the harder it is to migrate away. And so Amazon's new "Kinesis" data ingester is a neat piece of technology, and at the same time a canny way to turn Amazon Web Services into the Hotel California of the cloud.

Kinesis was announced by the web bazaar's chief technology officer Werner Vogels in a speech at the company's re:Invent conference today. It's essentially Amazon's attempt to fire up a commercial variant of open-source data processing and messaging engines Storm, Spark Streaming, and Kafka.

The difference between Kinesis and these systems is that Amazon handles all the pesky infrastructure management and provisioning, and simply exposes the system to a developer as a service that lets the programmer pick what data to ingest, how much, and where to feed it to.



Amazon cloud

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