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Alleged UK File-Sharers Better Armed and Ready To Fight Ben Dover

posted onJuly 25, 2012
by l33tdawg

After initially attempting to target around 9,000 individuals, Golden Eye International acting on behalf of pornographic film producer Ben Dover are about to start dumping cash demands on the doorsteps of 2,845 alleged file-sharers in the UK. TorrentFreak has obtained a copy of the letter due to be sent out and it amounts to little more than a demand for cash wrapped up in an ACS:Law-style fishing exercise.

Starting next month, Golden Eye International (GEIL) will start sending out letters to Internet account holders they accuse of downloading and sharing various adult movies produced by UK porn outfit Ben Dover.

Despite protestations to the contrary, the exercise amounts to an ACS:Law-style scheme to extract cash settlements from Internet users. The one big difference is that when ACS:Law entered the ‘pay-up-or-else-market’ their targets were largely unprepared. Today the situation in the Ben Dover case is quite different, not least due to the intervention of Consumer Focus, a group that has sought to protect consumers by bringing GEIL into line.



BitTorrent UK Law and Order

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