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Airport web access offers open house to hackers, say e-security experts

posted onAugust 14, 2001
by hitbsecnews

Experts are warning the wireless internet connections on offer at airports may pose a security risk to users. Wireless web networks are already a regular feature in frequent-flier lounges across the US and are being extended to many hotels and coffee shop chains.

In many cases users are unaware the lack of encryption means it may be easy for others to read their business e-mails and monitor their browsing. Digital security specialists Predictive Systems say public access local area networks - known as Wi-Fi in the US - often lack standard data security measures...

Digital forensics expert Jason Sewell said this mean "when you sit in an airport and use your laptop you might as well be broadcasting to anyone within listening distance".

Operators counter the criticism by saying it is up to users to install personal firewall programs to protect their data.

Ali Tabassi Chief, technology officer at leading Wi-Fi operators MobileStar, says companies should not be responsible because the internet carries intrinsic security risks.

"Everyone who is touching the internet should know that it is wide open," Mr Tabassi said. "People should think of it as a pay phone or a cell phone in a public place."

But privacy groups argue this view is unacceptable.

Richard Smith of the University of Denver-based Privacy Foundation said: "I think the companies are being pretty irresponsible here. It's really their obligation to make this a secure and private system."





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