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Sony PlayStation 4 - No need to be always online, supports used games and priced at only $399

posted onJune 11, 2013
by l33tdawg

Sony fired a direct shot across Microsoft’s bow at its E3 press conference on Monday evening, clearly positioning PlayStation 4 as the anti-Xbox One.

PlayStation 4 will fully support used games, said Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton. You’ll be able to trade your games in at retail, but also sell them to another person or lend them to a friend. Xbox One, in contrast, will only let you sell games to “participating retail stores,” and lending and renting are not supported.

Sony will also sell PlayStation 4 at $399, $100 cheaper than Xbox One. Additionally, Sony confirmed that PlayStation 4 won’t be “always online” — you won’t need to ping a server for authentication every 24 hours, as owners of the Xbox One will have to.



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